
pdfjoin infile1.pdf infile2.pdf infile3.pdf:

Creates a file named like pdfjoin-20120102-1415.pdf in the current directory.

pdfjoin infile1.pdf ; pdfjoin infile2.pdf ; pdfjoin infile3.pdf:

Same as above – assuming the deplay between issuing each of the commands is less than 60 minutes.

pdfjoin infile1.pdf infile2.pdf infile3.pdf –output /tmp/foo:

Creates a file named like /tmp/foo/pdfjoin-20120102-1415.pdf in the current directory. But only if /tmp/foo already exisits!

pdfjoin infile1.pdf –output /tmp/foo; pdfjoin infile3.pdf –output /tmp/foo:

Same as above – again assuming the deplay between issuing each of the commands is less than 60 minutes.

pdfjoin infile1.pdf infile2.pdf infile3.pdf –output /tmp/foo.pdf:

Creates a file named like /tmp/foo.pdf in the current directory. But only if /tmp/foo.pdf is no exiting directory!