
The source of pdfjoin and its siblings is maintained at GitLab. Patches and pull-requests are hearty welcome.

  • Please submit bugs and enhancements to the Issue Tracker.

  • You may browse the code at the Repository Browser. Or you may check out the current version by running

    git clone

Seting up a pdfjoin Development Environment

Create a virtual environment somewhere. Lets call it _venv:

python -m venv _venv

Activate our environment:

source _venv/bin/activate

Install packages required for development:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Install pdfjoin in editable mode (i.e. setuptools “develop mode”):

python -m pip install -e .

Going back to your non-virtual environment:


Run pdfjoin without activating the virtual environment:

_venv/bin/pdfjoin …

See Virtual Environments and Packages tutorial in the official Python documentation for more details.